Sunday, August 23, 2015

Lost in Translation

I came across this desciption of something what ED would say.....and then what it would really mean. I thought it was a good way to show others what the conversations are like (to a small degree) inside my head.

ED: You'll lose weight
Translation: You'll loose yourself

ED: You'll gain control
Translation: You'll lose control

ED: You'll be skinny
Translation: You'll be sick

ED: You'll be confident
Translation: You'll hate yourself

ED: People will like you more
Translation: You'll push them away

ED: You'll be able to look great in a swimming suit
Translation: You'll be insecure and hide in your clothes

ED: You'll be more social
Translation: You'll isolate yourself

ED: You'll get more attention
Translation: People will worry about you and you'll lie and say your just fine.

ED: You'll feel better
Translation: You'll be weak and tired

ED: You'll reach your goal weight
Translation: You'll NEVER be satisfied.
(NOTE: There is a CONSTANT sense that I just need to loose 5 more pounds.....then 5 more......then 5 more. There will ALWAYS be 5 more.)

ED: You're doing great
Translation: You're dying.