Thursday, February 19, 2015

Amazing Team

I have an amazing team.

By team, I mean my support team. Those who have gained trust, who I respect and rely on to call me on behaviors, thinking patterns, and self-talk that is out of line with recovery.

And by amazing, I mean A.MAZE.ING ! ! !

How can I possible thank or repay those who have done so much to help me? How do I convey the importance of their perspective? I understand its their job or that they feel fulfilled in what they do.  I understand that they probably don't think of me again after I walk out the door.

So then, I cannot help but wonder.........What kind of difference do I make to others ! ? !

Have you ever had a day where something really small, made an impressionable difference? Do you remember a day where a smile, a simple "Hello," or deliberate wave really picked up your day?

1)What did someone else do to help pick you up?

2)Did you do a simple act of kindness for anyone today? (And perhaps you didn't even know it!?!)

3)How far does your team extend?

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